Zakelijk Engels: 60 veelgemaakte fouten (met oplossing)
Tags: Business English, Engelse grammatica, Gesprekken voeren, Engelse gesprekstechnieken, Zakelijk communiceren in het Engels

Zakelijk Engels: de meest gemaakte fouten. We laten je in dit artikel de meest gemaakte fouten in zakelijk Engels zien. Bekijk ze allemaal. Herken je ze? Ook zie je hoe het wel moet.
Zakelijk Engels: meest gemaakte fouten
De meest gemaakte fouten in zakelijk Engels. Veel expats die naar Nederland komen hoor je regelmatig zeggen dat je helemaal geen Nederlands hoeft te leren want iedereen spreekt Engels. Daar zijn we natuurlijk erg trots op maar er zijn typische veelgemaakte fouten in vooral zakelijk Engels die we geeneens in de gaten hebben.
Daarbij komt ook dat we denken perfect Engels te spreken maar hoe goed communiceren we eigenlijk in het Engels? En hoe zit het met je kennis om bijvoorbeeld een professionele Engelse brief te schrijven?
Zo lieten we je al eerder zien welke fouten het meest gemaakt worden in het Engels.
In dit artikel gaan we er nog dieper op in. Maar naast de fouten, laten we ook gelijk zien hoe je het wél schrijft of zegt in het Engels.
Omdat er zoveel verwantschap is tussen het Nederlands en het Engels en we vaak naar Engelstalige programma’s kijken leren we het Engels sneller dan veel andere nationaliteiten. Sommige Nederlanders vinden dat er veel te veel Engels in het Nederlands wordt gebruikt.
Gebruik je op kantoor ook veel Engelse termen? We hebben er 50 waar je de kriebels van krijgt.
Omdat we onze kennis van het Engels weleens overschatten worden er typische fouten gemaakt. We nemen de meest gemaakte fouten in het Engels met je door en geven je ook gelijk de oplossing.
Ook zijn er Engelse termen die we regelmatig gebruiken maar die ook zelfs native speakers door elkaar halen.
Genoeg dus om je op te concentreren.
Zakelijk Engels: de eerste 12 veelgemaakte fouten
(de oplossing is de cursieve tekst)
I’m going to my work early tomorrow. Were very busy.
I’m going to work early tomorrow. We’re very busy.
When you visit me, take your book with you.
When you visit me, bring your book with you.
When you leave bring your book away with you.
When you leave take your book away with you.
I work here for five years. It’s a very good company to work for.
I have been working here for five years. It’s a very good company to work for.
Our beamer is broken.
Our projector is broken.
I would like to give you my meaning on this subject.
I would like to give you my opinion on this subject.
Maybe we should terminate this meeting because we are not getting anywhere.
Maybe we should end this meeting because we are not getting anywhere.
He learned me a lot. I know it will help me in the future.
He taught me a lot. I know it will help me in the future.
I have to watch my child today as my wife is working all day.
I have to mind/ look after my child today as my wife is working all day.
I will see you on wednesday the 4june.
I will see you on Wednesday 4June.
This is a verry usefull addres.
This is a very useful address.
I would like to remember everyone that Mr. Brown will be visiting our company soon.
I would like to remind everyone that Mr. Brown will be visiting our company soon.
Maak jij deze uitspraakfouten in het Engels ook?
Bekijk de uitspraakfouten in het Engels.
Bekijk het filmpje en zie en hoor, hoe je kan klinken als een echte Brit.
Fouten die Nederlanders in het Engels maken
I’m looking forward to see you.
I’m looking forward to seeing you
Could you sent me information about all the options?
Could you send me information about all the options?
He wanted immediately an answer. He can’t wait for tomorrow.
He wanted an answer immediately. He can’t wait for tomorrow.
He is the brother of my friend. They look like each other.
He is my friend’s brother. They look alike.
Congratulations with your birthday. I hope you have a nice day.
Happy birthday, I hope you will have a nice day. Congratulations on your wedding.
If you buy this car it will be more cheaper than the other one.
If you buy this car it will be cheaper than the other one.
The engine of my car falls out every time. I’ll have to trade it in.
The engine of my car shuts off every time. I’ll have to trade it in.
It depends of the weather if we go to the beach or not.
It depends on the weather if we go to the beach or not.
You have to stop with it. You are annoying me.
You have to stop (it). You are annoying me.
As asked for, I have attached a second copy of purchase order NH 768.
As requested, I have attached a second copy of the purchase order NH 768.
Thank you for being a faithful customer this last year.
Thank you for being a loyal customer this past year.
In my former email message I forgot to tell you …
In my previous email message I forgot to tell you …
Fouten in het Engels, voorkom ze!
Our hours of work are from 8 am until 6 pm.
Our working hours are 8 am to 6 pm.
We are sorry to hear that this generated a delay in delivery.
We are sorry to hear that this caused a delay in delivery.
What for car do you drive? I saw a nice one parked outside.
What make of car / what car do you drive? I saw a nice one parked outside.
We need to look at the actual figures.
We need to look at the current figures.
My chief is very able to run the department. He has many years of experience.
My manager/boss is well able to run the department. He has many years of experience.
I give you instructions how to get there. First turn right in the corner and then take the first street left.
I will give you instructions how to get there. First turn right at the corner and then take the first street left.
How late is it? If I don’t hurry I will be late.
What time is it? If I don’t hurry up, I will be late.
Don’t forget to put your autograph at the bottom of the letter.
Don’t forget to put your signature at the bottom of the letter.
Can you explain me please…
Can you explain it to me please …
What is your function at work?
What is your position at work? / What do you do?
In my job I have to make a lot of important choices.
In my job I have to make a lot of important decisions.
Lees in dit artikel hoe je met de vele tips jouw Engels naar een hoger niveau brengt
Veelgemaakte Engelse fouten, hoe het wel moet
We have to meet under four eyes.
We have to meet face to face.
I’m going to do you a proposal.
I’m going to make a proposal.
Your coffee is standing on the table.
Your coffee is on the table.
When you want more information please contact me.
If you would like more information please contact me.
I would like to inform about …
I would like to inquire about…
Did you saw that yesterday?
Did you see that yesterday?
We have Monday a meeting, haven’t we?
We have a meeting (on) Monday, haven’t we?
I had English on school for many years.
I had English at school for many years.
He has written the report yesterday.
He wrote the report yesterday
It has to stand on paper otherwise we don’t have a leg to stand on.
It has to be written down / confirmed, otherwise we don’t have a leg to stand on.
You can lend my laptop if you like.
You can borrow my laptop if you like
I work here since many years.
I have worked here for many years.
I will show you the head entrance.
I will show you the main entrance.
Hereby I send you all the documents.
Enclosed you will find all the documents.
Please find the documents attached.
I have seen that colleague yesterday.
I saw that colleague yesterday.
The doctor told me to take it easy and gave me a recipe for some tablets.
The doctor told me to take it easy and gave me a prescription for some tablets.
Zakelijk communiceren, maak jij deze fouten in je Engelse e-mails?
Zakelijk Engels, nog enkele meest gemaakte fouten
You will have the possibility to see the whole logistic process.
You will have the opportunity to see the whole logistic process.
We love making pictures of all the new products.
We love taking pictures of all the new products.
Our office is on number 67.
Our office is at number 67.
How does our new colleague look like?
What does our new colleague look like?
It is very crowdy in here.
It is very crowded in here.
I am born in Amsterdam.
I was born in Amsterdam.
I work in a fabric.
I work in a factory.
The Bijenkorf is a great warehouse.
The Bijenkorf is a great department store.
You can put the documents in this map.
You can put the documents in this folder/file.
She explained me the problem.
She explained the problem to me.
Can you wise me the way?
Can you show me the way?
We would like to rent a topless car.
We would like to rent a convertible.
Where can we put our mail on the bus?
Where can I post my mail / letterbox.
Where can I buy an uploader for my telephone?
Where can I buy a charger for my telephone?
I speak flowing English!
I speak fluent English.
At what time can we go on table?
At what time is dinner served?
Hoeveel heb jij er herkend? Als het er redelijk veel zijn dan kan dit filmpje je waarschijnlijk weer motiveren. Buitenlanders werd gevraagd of zij vinden dat Nederlanders goed Engels spreken.
Bekijk ook deze fouten
Bekijk ook deze Engelse site voor fouten die (door niet native speakers) vaak in Engelse grammatica worden gemaakt.
Als laatste hebben we een selectie van Engelse woorden die vaak op de verkeerde manier worden gebruikt. Je kent ze maar hoe zat het ook alweer precies?
En ken je de verschillen tussen can – will- would – may – might – should – must? Weet je wanneer je Do, Make, Take en Get gebruikt? Bekijk dan ook dit artikel met de verschillen die je in het Engels moet kennen.
Behoren de fouten ook tot jouw veelgemaakte fouten in het Engels? Fouten maken is geen probleem, je weet nu hoe het wel moet. Waar ga jij de fout mee in, laat je reactie achter.
Fijn als je dit artikel met anderen deelt, bedankt.
Heel erg bedankt voor alle tips, ze zijn erg nuttig.
Maar ik zie een foutje in het NL op jullie site hier:
‘Hoeveel heb jij er herkent? ‘ Mij lijkt dat dit herkend moet zijn…….
Succes en groeten
Je hebt helemaal gelijk. Bedankt, het is aangepast.