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Vergaderen en notuleren in het Engels, the way to do it!

Vergaderen en notuleren in het Engels, the way to do it!

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Vergaderen en notuleren in het Engels Tips and Tricks

Vergaderen en notuleren in het Engels. Dat is: ‘taking the minutes’. Heeft dus niets met tijd te maken maar alles met het juist weergeven van de vergadering of het gesprek.

Een notulist heeft een belangrijke rol in het overleg. Hij of zij moet een juiste weergave kunnen geven van hetgeen besproken is. Ook helpt hij/zij de voorzitter (chairperson) om bijvoorbeeld de tijd en agendapunten in de gaten te houden.

Een notulist wordt in het Engels omschreven als ‘a minute taker’ of ‘a minutes secretary’. Ook hoor je wel eens ‘scribe’ maar dat is een wat ouderwets woord.

Hier zijn een aantal punten om rekening mee te houden.

Vergaderen en notuleren in het Engels: taking the minutes

Maybe you are asked to take the minutes at a meeting. The best way is to ‘offer’ the job to someone who is not participating in the meeting. If you work in a big company someone is assigned to take the minutes, the ‘minute-taker’. (notulist)

Before a meeting the minute-taker should get the following things ready:

  • The minutes from previous meetings or talks
  • All of the names of the attendees (aanwezigen)
  • The various items on the agenda

But before that there are some other things the minute-taker has to organise:

  • A title for the meeting
  • The location and time of the meeting
  • A form to write the time the meeting started and ended
  • The name of the chairperson
  • A list of attendees that can be checked off(or an attendance list to sign)

Sample Minutes Outline:

Sales Meeting
Friday, June 7
Room A.1
Starting time: ________ Finish: ________
Chairperson: Richard
Etc. ….
Person late to arrive:_________
Person early to depart:________

Notuleren in het Engels, hoe doe je dat?

You could choose for pen and paper but mostly a laptop will be used.
There is no need to write down every word that is spoken. The main thing is that important points are written down, any votes on subjects or any results that come out of the meeting.

It is important that you make sure to register who said what. So make sure you know the names of the attendees. It is also handy to register where everybody was sitting, that makes it easier to remember.

Important is that the minute-taker should type out the minutes immediately after the meeting so that nothing is forgotten and properly registered.

Let op de tijd in jouw Engelse meeting

Als je gaat vergaderen en notuleren in het Engels is het belangrijk je aan de tijd te houden zodat alle punten op de agenda worden behandeld.

One of the most difficult things about holding an effective meeting is staying within the time limits. A good agenda will outline how long each item should take. The right chairperson will do his/her best to stay within the time limits.

As a minute-taker you should help the chairperson with this.
Here are some expressions that can be used to keep the meeting flowing as it should.

  • Sorry, but we’ve spent enough time on this topic.
  • We’re running short on time, so let’s move on.
  • We’re running behind schedule, so we’ll have to skip one of the next items.
  • We only have twenty minutes remaining and there’s a lot left to cover yet.
  • If we don’t move on, we’ll run right into other appointments people have.
  • We’ve spent too long on this issue, so we’ll leave it for now.
  • We’ll have to come back to this at a later time or in the next meeting.
  • We won’t reach a decision on this, so let’s move on.

Notuleren en vergaderen in het Engels:
Stay focused

Vergaderen en notuleren in het Engels, let op de details als notulist.

It is easy to get carried away and off topic when you get a variety of people in the same room. It is the chairperson’s responsibility to keep the discussion focused and the minute-taker can help with this.
Here are some expressions to keep the meeting centred and focussed on the items on the agenda.

  • Let’s stick to what is important, shall we?
  • I think we’re steering off topic with this.
  • I’m afraid we’ve strayed from the matter at hand.
  • You can discuss this issue among yourselves at another time.
  • We’ve lost complete sight of the point here.
  • This matter is for another time, it is not on today’s agenda.
  • Let’s save this for another meeting. Will we set a date?
  • Getting back to item number 8 on the agenda.
  • So what will we do next? Vote on it?

Stemmen over iets: voting on a subject

When issues cannot be resolved or decisions cannot be easily made, they are often put to a vote. Voting on a subject can be simple by people raising their hands in favour or in opposition of an issue. In an open vote, you will see the results immediately.

Sometimes a vote is private. Attendees fill out ballots and put them in a box to be counted. The results may not be counted until after the meeting.
When you have an open vote, these expressions can be used:

  • Who is in favour?
    (Those who agree raise their hands)
  • Who is opposed?
  • Motion to introduce a new CRM system by William.
    (Suggestions or ideas that are put to a vote are called motions)
  • Motion to introduce a new CRM system is seconded by Lisa.
    (When someone else agrees with the motion, it is seconded.)

And when a motion is voted and agreed upon it is carried. When it is voted and people disagree with the motion it is failed. And when there are as many people for as against it, is a tie. Sometimes the chairperson makes a decision in this case.

Opmerkingen, vragen en feedback geven

During the meeting, participants will give comments, provide feedback, or ask questions about various issues.

Some polite ways to do so:

  • If I could just come in here…
  • Could you elaborate on that, please.
  • I think you are blowing this out of proportion.
  • I’m afraid I’d have to disagree about this matter.
  • Could I just say one other thing?
  • I’m really glad you brought that up, Debby.
  • I couldn’t agree with you more.
  • I completely disagree on that
  • Peter, could you please speak slower. You are hard to follow.
  • If I could have a chance to speak for a moment please
  • We don’t seem to be getting anywhere with this.
  • This is getting out of hand, perhaps we should postpone the meeting
  • Perhaps we should come back to this at another time?

So you are all set for the next meeting. Good luck.

Kort samengevat let op deze belangrijke punten voor jouw vergadering in het Engels.

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Blog berichten

In de afgelopen maanden heeft een aantal van mijn collegae bij A&B Groep de cursus Zakelijk Engels gevolgd bij SR training en ik ben blij verrast met de behaalde resultaten.

SR training heeft het team Geboortezorgadvies van CZ op een praktische en inspirerende manier kennis laten maken met Zakelijk Engels.

Iedere les was voor mij boeiend en leerzaam. De opdrachtvormen waren wisselend, afgestemd op mijn werk. Dit maakte de lessen dynamischer.

SR training is een toegankelijk trainingsbureau dat hoogwaardige taaltrainingen aanbiedt. Het is een fijne partner in de samenwerking en is enorm flexibel. Flexibel in de inhoud van trainingen, de planning en de omgang.

Wat me vooral aansprak was, dat het zo toepasbaar was. We behandelden onze eigen e-mails en rapporten. Geen droge lesstof of invuloefeningen.

Wat een verschil met school, dat leren zo leuk kan zijn. Echt praktisch en afgestemd op onze groep.
Hartstikke bruikbaar in ons werk.

Het heeft me eigenlijk nog verder gebracht dan waar ik dacht uit te komen. Ik spreek met veel meer zelfvertrouwen en merk dat het communiceren stukken beter gaat. Ook is er aandacht besteed aan vaktechnische vocabulaire wat me erg heeft geholpen.